Sample Plans

While the financial planning softwares are great calculators, they often need help telling the narrative and generating action items.

Brody is obsessed with output and spends a lot of time creating and fine-tuning templates and learning about data visualization techniques. We believe this is an underrated component of the planning process as it is critical that the analysis and recommendations be presented in a way that is clean, actionable, and understandable.

Some advisors prefer to have a robust deliverable that covers everything in detail and shows off their work (justifying the cost). Others prefer a one page plan that is easy for the client to understand, easy for the advisor to review & present, and focuses on what’s really important without getting lost in the weeds. We’ve created a number of one page plans, monster plans pushing 100 pages, and everything in between using Excel, Word, PDFs, eMoney, Money Guide Pro, Right Capital, and more.

I strive to provide attractive, clean, actionable, and easy to understand deliverables. We’ve also made a number of custom templates for advisors to suit their system. Again, if you already have a planning system or output style you love, we’re happy to learn it. We’re flexible.